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文: 英文系葉芊玗
里昂第三大學創建於1973 年,是里昂市三所主要的公立大學之一。它由法學院,商學院,外語系,人文系,哲學系和一個大學協會組成,尤其以人文科學見長。 里昂三大坐落於城市的一端,以眾多壯觀和功能齊全的建築群構成,並與整個城市融爲一體。同時,里昂三大也融入歐洲乃至全世界的聯繫中,它向其 20,000 名學生提供多元化的 學習和一年或更長時間赴歐洲及北美國家出國交換留學的機會。法國里昂第三大學享譽法國及世界已逾一個世紀之久。 2000年GOURMA雜誌將它屬下的法學院評爲歐洲最好的五所法學院之一,僅次於法國巴黎大學,英國牛津大學,英國劍橋大學,和德國海德爾堡大學。 |

文: 親善大使蕭雯瑄Amber
It is not an uncommon sight to see foreign students in NCU. Among all the unfamiliar faces from different countries, you may find it very difficult to distinguish Vietnamese students from the local ones. Do you know the similarities and differences between their culture and ours are? Then, please follow my footsteps to check it out in the Vietnamese Cultural show this year!
Held on 20th May this year, the Vietnamese Cultural Show has always been a great event for all the Vietnamese students in NCU to show the traditional culture of their country. The various activities took place at the Great Hall of NCU, inclusive of games at the 1st floor square, food and exhibition on the 2nd floor being ongoing in evening.


發行單位: 國際處
發行人: 國際長 許秉瑜教授
主編: 祝韻芝