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文: 天文所 魏辰恩/日本東京工業大學
其實想要申請交換生的計畫從入大學就開始思考,但一直到了大學畢業才突然驚覺時間已經過了四年了,而自己始終還沒付出行動,再加上系上已經有同學申請上的交換生計畫, 所以下定決心出去走走看看。
當時我已經申請上中央的天文所,所以我與我的指導教授討論,因為希望這半年的時間可以延續相關研究,最後我選擇了東京工業大學,也藉由指導教授認識了東工的老師, 於是從碩一上開始慢慢準備之後到了日本會做的研究,雖然一開始覺得卡在碩士班一下的時候出國是個很尷尬的時機,但是趁著這半年的時間準備其實幫助也不少, 減少了到了當地要以不同語言學習的障礙。
日本的學制和台灣不太相同,日本是在四月,伴著櫻花盛開開始新的學期,從四月開始到七月。東京工業大學主要是以理工科為主,在日本是蠻好的學校, 有人說東京工業大學就是日本的MIT,聽當地的朋友說,基本上東京工業大學和東京大學主要的差異是在入學的英文成績。 |
By: Amber/NCU Student Ambassador
There are several activities held by NCU Student Ambassador every semester. Cultural Trip is the very one of them, usually taking place two weeks before the midterms. Through traveling to other counties, it is hoped to help international students have a better understanding of Taiwan, in both cultural and natural aspects.
This March, we went to the central part of Taiwan, embarking on an in-depth journey in Zhang-Hua and Taichung. On the first day, we visited two of the well-known tourist attractions in Zhang-Hua, Bagua Mountain and Lukang Old Streets. There we saw the gigantic Buddha, gorgeous temple, and a worshiping parade which is constituted of people dressing in traditional Buddhism customs. There’s also an observation platform for us to overlook the full scene of Zhang-Hua County.It's really amazing! And next, we spent half of the afternoon staying at Lukang Old Streets and Matsu Temple. The old streets are filled with vendors and shops, selling some local snacks and traditional cuisines. Going along the streets, we tried lots of tasty food, such as Oyster Omelet, Ox Tongue, Green Bean Cake, and some other Chinese pastries. While entering the Matsu Temple, we are really amazed by the elaborate structures. With the introduction by the tour guides, we visited this religious building in awe. Most of the international students are impressed by the folk activities of the pilgrims there.
發行單位: 國際處
發行人: 國際長 許秉瑜教授
主編: 祝韻芝