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2015 Culture Trip-Exploring Taiwanese Aboriginal Culture


文:企管系 邱子穎/交換期間


      因為是下學期過去交換,二月底剛到上海時氣溫還相當低,晚上幾乎都不到五度,對於我們這些生長在溫暖台灣的人來說,剛開始在上海的氣候真的相當煎熬且難以適應,如果是下學期去大陸交換, 冬季衣服可以不需要帶多,但保暖的衣物一定要帶,剛到上海的前一個月天氣還很冷,大衣、羽絨外套、毛帽、手套可以說是基本配備,大約要到五月的時候,上海的天氣才會開始回暖,所以整個學期來說, 穿到冬季衣服的時間比較長,如果害怕行李太重,可以不用帶太多夏季衣物,直接在大陸購買就好。


2015 Culture  Trip-Exploring  Taiwanese  Aboriginal  Culture

By: Lisa Li/Member of Student Ambassador

     Every semester, NCU Student Ambassador hold the Cultural Trip which all students in NCU can take part in. It is an activity that many international students who have just come to Taiwan look forward to. The main goal of which is to make students in NCU acquire a better understanding of Taiwanese culture by traveling to several carefully selected scenic spots. This time, we went further away to eastern Taiwan .




發行單位:  國際處

發行人:  國際長 許秉瑜教授

主編:  宋糧如