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陸生在中大- 中文系王凱行
2015 Welcome Party for International Students


文: 中文系王凱行

     記 得那天,太陽那麼大,還真是讓人有些睜不開眼睛。歡快但並不十分匆忙的行人,水汽氤氳的中大湖,再遠處是一排筆直筆直的椰子樹。一切點滴的細節都顯得有些 不真切,卻又是難以言喻的真真切切。朋友的不理解也罷,一千七百多公里長途跋涉的疲憊也罷,不論如何,我來了,面對著這個我即將學習和生活四年的異地他 鄉。正午的陽光將椰子樹的影子一點一點吞噬殆盡,也將那一分忐忑的心情,也一點一點,融化。

      實 話講,我並不是一個很會適應環境的人。剛到中大的那段日子,也時常會因為一些些客觀的距離而出現隔閡和局促,但這些情況隨著同學們一點一滴相處的密切而不 復存在。一次次的徹夜長談,他們要我講寒冬的故事,聽聽那紫禁城宮墻上的殘雪。他們學我講話,說是喜歡我的“捲舌”,雖然也並沒有一個學的像的。我們一起 看書,一起旅遊,一起分享食物一起跑活動。而到了後來,我也會開始講“阿災”,把“倒垃圾”說成是“丟勒瑟”,每天用電腦習慣性的點開臉書。點滴的變化, 讓那些大陸的朋友都快認不出我了呢。


2015 Welcome  Party  for  International  Students

By: Dave Chen/Department of English, Leader of  student  Ambassador

     Every year, at the start of a new semester, Office of International Affairs (OIA) and NCU Student Ambassador will hold a Welcome Party for the international students who came to NCU for the first time. Its purpose is to welcome the new students and help them accommodate to the new environment. They come from India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, France, Korea, Thailand and so on.
     On the day of the party, September 25th, to our surprise, the participants were more than our expectation. Approximately two hundred and fifty people came to join the Welcome Party, which made Student Activity Center (Zhi Dao Building) a bit crowded but full of energy. When the clock struck six, the party began! First off, was a performance by our university’s Acapella club.



發行單位:  國際處

發行人:  國際長 許秉瑜教授

主編:  宋糧如