將法文以及西班牙文學好對於我本身的文化學習或是未來工作上是很實用的。 此外,實地了解歐洲大陸當地民情也是未來想進入外商體系就職的我而言的確大有助益。
歐洲的高生活水平無疑讓我在經濟壓力上更為緊張;在此感謝國際處提供的獎學金,對我此次法國之行更助一臂之力。這一年的法國生活, 靠著國際處的獎學金和個人的積蓄, 這一年的法國生活順利畫下圓滿句點。
此外,藉著西遊記計畫,我成功地在這一年培養自己法語口說能力。再配合學生大學主修的英文, 未來在求職上更能選擇理想職業或挑戰更高跑道。
能夠來到里昂天主教大學實在是一個美麗的誤會, 原本屬意申請商學院的我最終卻來到這座在我心目中最美麗的城市。里昂天主教大學的翻譯及國際關係學院( ESTRI : Ecole Supérieure de Traduction et Relations Internationales)
其實是給本校法文系所同學交換的, 除了系上專業課程外, 交換學生課程還包含該校語言中心的法語課程 (每周十六小時), 也因為這個陰錯陽差, 在一開始的前幾個月(其實幾乎整整一個學期),
我花了不少時間適應新環境, 語言, 以及相對一般交換學生課程強度嚴謹許多得求學環境。
環境逼迫人不斷進步:惰性因為不服輸的個性而有那麼一點點的改變。因為直接在系上修課, 更進而認識許多法國學生,從而拓展生活圈。在語言中心的法語課程, 雖然同學們主要為海峽對岸的鄰居,
但是班上或多或少都有來自各國的朋友, 大家當然相處融洽。
第一學期我選修了3門課,每週在語言中心共有16小時的課程, 另外旁聽4門。第二學期則為選修2門課,每週在語言中心共有16小時的課程,旁聽5門課。基本上每周時數約落在25-30小時之間。
第一學期因語言能力不足, 我主要選修英語課程, 老師有時上課會自動切成法語模式, 同學們即使在英語課, 交談間也是使用法語。如果不甘心鎮日吃黃蓮, 應該能大幅提升語言學習動機。
學校與語言中心皆有不少作業和課後閱讀素材充實學生的身心。天主教大學因為私立學校, 課程中小考. 期中考(第二學期改制為兩次期中考), 期末考都是少不了的硬課題, 畢竟考試還是能夠刺激學生學習的動力。
但有聽聞一般公立大學一學期只有一次期末考, 因此學生若是自律不緊, 很容易明年再回來當學弟。雖說里昂天主教大學考試較多, 但強度比起亞洲國家, 實在是小巫見大巫。然而還是有不少學生會在考前臨時抱佛腳,
不少老師上課時不用PPT,頂多寫板書,所以上課時同學們都會帶筆電打筆記或是振筆疾書, 因為考試時往往就是依賴平時上課時整理的重點, 十之八九都是上課教過的。和我同年有不少中國大陸的交換學生,
他們都會錄音老師的上課內容再回家複習。但是有時考試還是很難掌握老師的風格, 有時考試完後同學們也會愁眉苦臉, 大呼慘兮兮。除了考試外, 平時也會有報告, 團體報告,或是作業繳交, 這點和台灣類似。
上課的時候若有問題, 直接舉手向老師發問即可, 沒有所謂的面子問題。有時同學們也會加入討論的陣容。另外法國的評分是二十分制,十分就是及格分數(就是我們台灣的60分)。
「慢慢來」,除了危及生命的事情之外其他都可以慢慢來。歡迎來到法國! 當你和銀行, 公家機關, 基本上和各行各業打交道, 都是慢慢來。說好聽是浪漫,或是我們亞洲人不懂得享受生命,
當再加上法國最有名的罷工時候你會微笑著看世界。但只要個性樂觀, 憨厚, 或是少根筋, 那麼慢慢的, 你一定會愛上這個國家。

By Hazel Chang/ Leader of Student Ambassador of NCU
When the gale of winter started to stagger people in NCU, students realized that the end of the semester is coming. Mixed with the anxiety about the final exam and the excitement of the vacation,
students were busy walking through the fog and drizzle of December. Once again, time passed without notice, and it urged people to move on.
Some international students were going to set sail to their hometown or new destination after the close of the first semester.

To load the leaving ship with rich memories, on December 19 of 2013, Student Ambassador held a party to make a perfect ending for the semester. This time, we set the theme of party as Titanic—Unsinkable Love.
Differ from the past, this time we make efforts to invite more Taiwanese students to come and joy the party. We hope that foreign students can have chance to meet more Taiwanese friend,
and everyone can start the voyage of friendship. Holding the ideal that great interaction between international students and Taiwanese students is possible,
Office of International Affairs and Student Ambassador always diligently plan every activity for the students in NCU.
About 200 people came to the party at the starry party night. They first welcomed by the attentive Student Ambassador and the delicate supper. And they were astonished by the decoration of the activity center.
Students were pleased with the drama and interactive games during the party. Dancing performance was also the climax of the party, Student Ambassador practiced for about a month.
The most special part of the party is the waltz dance part. In order to conform to the theme of the party as well as enhance the interaction between international students and Taiwanese students,
we set up the waltz dance time for the students. With the romantic and relaxing music surrounded the dance floor, people in pairs dancing under the dim light. Though at the beginning, some Taiwanese Students were bashful,
they soon joined the crowd and enjoyed dancing and chatting with other students. We believed that the relationship of the students were closer than before.
The party ended, also the semester. Some people left, some people stay. Memories and experiences are the fuel for the voyage of life. Wish every student can open their heart and collect all the dots in their life.
And wish NCU Student Ambassador would be part of the unforgettable memories to the students in NCU.

國別 |
合作學校(英文名) |
合作學校(中文名) |
澳洲 |
The University of Sydney |
雪梨大學 |

下期預告: |
★交換生林芯妤經驗談-法國/魯瓦科技大學 |
★2014 Indonesia Culture Day |

發行單位: 國際處
發行人: 國際長 許秉瑜教授
主編: 宋糧如