目前與台灣中央大學等三所大學簽約訂定合作協定,並積極進行教職員及學生間之學術交流。 廣島大學近年來積極推動海外據點。設立台灣研究中心的主要目的,在推動兩國學生和教職員間之交流,提升兩校交流的水準與質量。

文 / 祕書室 陳如枝

By Jagabandhu Patra from India, PhD in Department of Institute of Materials Science & Engineering
My name is Jagabandhu Patra and my Chinese name is 潘卓督(Pan Jou duh),though friends call me JP. I’m from India; this is my first visit at NCU in pursuit of the PhD in Material Science and Engineering.
It’s about 4 months already away from my homeland. Being an outlander in Taiwan has lots of assets, for instance, cultural enrichment, personal growth, good research experience and new outlooks,
while at the same time it has stumbling blocks such as lifestyle adjustment and language barrier. The language barrier presented the biggest issue and is still a stumbling block till date for me. In fact,
I readapted very quickly to Taiwanese society.
I feel
Taiwan is very popular among the people because of its scenic beauty, friendly attitude with tourists along with the cultural
attraction. I enjoyed the visit of the lively night market. I think this is one of the essences of the local culture, also is one place where you will see a lot of the Taiwanese snack cuisines, and it’s really different but
delicious. I thought Indians were crazy about foods, but in Taiwan, food can be smelled and seen everywhere. Every corner would have a small hawker frying some traditional pancakes or steaming dumplings. And even though
it’s not at every corner, the famous stinky tofu can be smelled everywhere.
I found people in general very friendly and polite!
A bit reserved at first, but they always willing to help you.
Everywhere I go, 7-11, Ok Mart, Family Mart, hawker, café they say “Xie Xie” (Thank you), which is not always the case in my country. When it comes to public transport, the MRT has marks on the ground to show
where people have to stand while waiting for it to arrive. Nobody’s pushing, and everything goes smoothly: a good sign of good mannered law obeying nation.
It is surprising to watch Taiwanese couples come here in the university campus to take photos of their wedding
and families come on the weekends and enjoy time with their children. I love the greenery and atmosphere in the campus; very adorable to live in and study.
Having good times with my lab members, going to night market, having dinner with them and celebrating different occasion are so nice and friendly which make my life very easy and smooth.
Life is awesome here in Taiwan

下期預告: |
★交換生蕭凱心經驗談-法國/里昂天主教大學 |
★Final Party-Unsinkable Love |

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主編: 宋糧如