

第 270 期 (2008-06-04) 訂閱退訂   與我們聯繫  
文化看板 > 魔光週推影展97/06/04:潛水鐘與蝴蝶
綜合資訊 > 2008文學與文化研究國際研究生研討會

魔光週推影展97/06/04:潛水鐘與蝴蝶 (NCU/ UNCfr)




Le scaphandre et le papillon






法國時尚雜誌Elle總編Jean-Dominique Bauby真人實事原作改編、美籍新銳導演Julian Schnabel執導、法國影帝Mathieu Amalric主演。 Bauby44歲時,開車出遊途中突然腦幹中風,以致全身癱瘓、完全不能言語,他卻發願寫書;於是靠著僅剩的左眼眨動,在他人協助之下一個字母一個字母寫下回憶錄,寫的是一個有如禁錮於潛水鐘裡的軀體,如何像是蝴蝶一般翩翩起舞。本片榮獲2007法國坎城國際影展最佳導演獎、2008美國金球獎最佳導演與最佳外語片獎、2008法國凱薩獎最佳男主角與最佳剪輯獎……





▲TOP (2008-06-04)

2008文學與文化研究國際研究生研討會 (NCU/ UNCfr)

2008 International Graduate Student Conference

on Literary and Culture Studies



Date: Friday June 6th, 2008 

Venue: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Organizer: Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures and Film Studies Center, NCTU, with the assistance of Center for Teaching and Learning Development, NCTU 





Registration: 8:20 – 8:50

Welcome: 8:50 – 9:00

Prof. Chia Yi Lee

Session 1 – Minority and Diaspora: 9:00 – 10:40

Chair: Prof. Ping-chia Feng



Hui-wen Chen

“The Awakening of African Women:

The Novels of Emecheta, Dangarembga, Bâ, and Aidoo”

Melissa Pei-yu Luo

“Islamic Women in the Diaspora: Nazneen in Monica Ali"s Brick Lane

Shu-wei Liang

Border within a Boundary Lost—Castrated Act of Abjection in

Shuji Terayama’s Fruits de la Passion (1981)”

Yuan-yang Wang

“A Study of the Ellisonian Phenomenon”

Tea Break: 10:40 – 11:00

Session 2 – Culture and Politics: 1:00 – 12:40

Chair: Prof. Ivy I-chu Chang



Liang-tsen Lin

“Food Practice in Medieval Period”

Hsiu-yu Lin

“The Border-Reestablishment of Female Body in

Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions

Josh Jian-Kun Hong

“Politics of Horror in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road ”

Yu-ting Huang

“Sympathy and Minority Politics:  
From The Rights of Man to the Contemporary Global Community”

Lunch Break: 12:40 – 14:00

Session 3 – Discourse and Modernity: 14:00 – 15:40

Chair: Prof. Chia Yi Lee



Steve Po-Hang Yang

“These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends:

Swordplay, Wordplay, and Play in Romeo and Juliet

Yu-chun Huang

“Molly Bloom, the Soliloquizing Rebel:

Issuing forth the Counter-Discourse and Self-Determined Subjectivity”

Zona Yi-Ping Tsou

“The Pleasure of the Work—Making Senses of Hsia Yü"s Poetry”

Lawrence Zi-qiao Yang

“Sherlock Holmes in China:

the Imagined Detective Space and Modernity in Fin de siècle Shanghai”

Tea Break: 15:40 – 16:00

Session 4 – Gothic Studies and Visual Language: 16:00 – 17:40

Chair: Prof. Simon Stevenson



Ted Yao-Hong Huang

“Fearing the Gothic Subject”

Grace Yi-chieh Huang

“Parodic Gothic in Margaret Atwood"s Lady Oracle

Polly Pei-hsin Peng

Paris, Texas: The Apocalypse of Contemporary Western Subjectivity”

Kristina Pia Hofer

Decaying Bodies of Knowledge: Visual Language and History Writing in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Closing Ceremonies: 17:40 – 18:00

Affiliation List:

Prof. Ivy I-chu Chang (張靄珠), National Chiao Tung University

Prof. Pin-chia Feng (馮品佳), National Chiao Tung University

Prof. Chia Yi Lee (李家沂), National Chiao Tung University

Prof. Simon Stevenson, National Dong Hwa University

Hui-wen Chen(陳惠雯), National Cheng Kung University

Kristina Pia Hofer, National Central University

Josh Jian-Kun Hong(洪建坤), National Taiwan Normal University

Grace Yi-chieh Huang(黃怡潔), National Chiao Tung University

Ted Yao-Hong Huang黃耀弘), National Taiwan Normal University

Yu-chun Huang(黃郁珺), National Taiwan Normal University

Yu-ting Huang (黃郁婷), National Taiwan University

Shu-wei Liang(梁書瑋), National Tsing Hua University

Liang-tsen Lin林亮岑), National Chung Cheng University

Hsiu-yu Lin林秀宇), National Chiao Tung University

Melissa Pei-yu Luo羅珮瑜), National Tsing Hua University

Polly Pei-hsin Peng (彭培馨), National Chiao Tung University

Zona Yi-Ping Tsou鄒怡平), National Central University

Yuan-yang Wang (王遠洋), National Chiao Tung University

Lawrence Zi-qiao Yang (楊子樵), National Taiwan Normal University

Steve Po-Hang Yang (楊博涵), National Taiwan Normal University

▲TOP (2008-06-04)
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