

第 221 期 (2007-11-09) 訂閱退訂   與我們聯繫  
綜合資訊 > 英語演講:台灣:西發利亞國際社會之傅柯異托邦
綜合資訊 > 2008全球法語日第六屆法語歌唱大賽

英語演講:台灣:西發利亞國際社會之傅柯異托邦 (NCU/ UNCfr)

The French Center for Research on Contemporary China, Taipei Office,

in collaboration with the

Institute of Political Science (IPSAS), Academia Sinica,

have the pleasure to invite you to attend the following lecture:


"Taiwan as the Westphalian Society’s Foucaldian Heterotopia"


 (in English)


by Dr. Françoise Mengin,

Senior Research Fellow,

French Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI) (Sciences Po-CNRS)


on Thursday November 22, 2007, 2:30 PM

Venue: Conference Room A, Institute of Political Science

(Social Sciences Building North, 5th Floor), Academia Sinica, Taipei


The lecture is open to all.

Please find the abstract below.


Contact: cefc@gate.sinica.edu.tw - Tel : (02) 2789 0873 - www.cefc.com.hk/taipei



Because of the entanglement of a claimed sovereignty limited to the territory the régime is in control of, and the fact that the official – though not internationally recognized – borders are still those of the 1947 constitution, Taiwan, as a geopolitical entity, is all the more difficult to conceptualize as the exceptional does not lie where one would expect to find it. For this very reason, one may resort to Michel Foucault’s concept of heterotopia as those other spaces “which are something like counter-sites, a kind of effectively enacted utopia in which the real sites, all the other real sites that can be found within the culture, are simultaneously represented, contested, and inverted.”

Following Foucault’s reasoning should lead one to consider Taiwan as a “mirror” to scrutinize contemporary international practices, logics, and processes. Non-recognition does not mean autarchy, and, indeed, Taiwan is fully integrated into the international society. First, the substitutes for diplomatic and consular relations which have been devised between Taiwan and states recognizing the PRC’s sovereignty over Taiwan indicate that the rule of the game is still the Westphalian fiction, although through a logic of pretence. Second, the relocation tide of Taiwan’s industry on the mainland - a case in point of globalization processes - produces inverted logics.


Short Biography:
Senior Research Fellow, French Centre for International Studies and Research (CERI) (Sciences Po-CNRS), Paris.

Main fields of research : Cross-Strait relations, Taiwanese politics, and PRC’s foreign policy, within a twofold approach: historical sociology and international relations theory.

Publications related to the topic of the seminar:
A Tocquevillian Process: Taiwan’s Democratization and its Paradoxical Foundations”, in Robert Ash and J. Megan Greene (eds), Taiwan in the 21st Century: Aspects and limitations of a Development Model, London and New York, Routledge, 2007, pp. 232-248.

- “A Pretence of Privatisation: Taiwan’s External Relations”, in Béatrice Hibou (ed.), Privatising the State, London, Hurst, 2004, pp. 147-167.

- “Taiwanese Politics and the Chinese Market: Business"s Part in the Formation of a State, or the Border as a Stake of Negotiations”, in Françoise Mengin and Jean-Louis Rocca (eds), Politics in China: Moving Frontiers, New York, Palgrave, 2002, pp. 232-257.

- Trajectoires chinoises, Taiwan, Hong Kong et Pékin, Paris, Karthala, 1998.

▲TOP (2007-11-09)

2008全球法語日第六屆法語歌唱大賽 (NCU/ UNCfr)


2008 全球法語日

Fête de la Francophonie 2008

6 e Concours d’interprétation de chansons francophones




一、 本競賽分為兩組:


l           個人組 : 參賽者可為高中生、大學生或社會人士。演唱方式可以獨唱、二重唱或三重唱呈現。參賽者須從主辦單位指定的十六首法語歌曲中選出一首演唱。

l           高中團體組 : 參賽者限高中生,每組至多十人,參賽曲目由參賽者自行選定。


二、 本比賽無年齡限制,歡迎個人、團體報名參加,但高中組參賽隊伍以每週法語課程時數不超過四小時為原則。


三、 主辦單位指定歌曲一覽表:


l           個人組


- J’traîne des pieds / Olivia Ruiz              

- Aime / Lara Fabian                         

- La Liste / Rose                             

- Mon coeur mon amour / Anaïs               

- Princesse (tango) / Julie Zenatti            

- Sensualité / Axelle Red                     

- Je suis un homme / Zazie                   

- Quelqu’un m’a dit / Carla Bruni               

- Poupée de cire, poupée de son / France Gall  

- Coeur sacré / Thierry Amiel                  

- Destination ailleurs / Yannick Noah            

- Et dans 150 ans / Raphael                     

- Là où je t’emmènerai / Florent pagny           

- le sourire / Emmanuel Moire                   

- Louxor J’adore / Philippe Katerine              

- Mon Pays / Faudel                         


四、     參賽者可至中華民國法語教師協會網站http://www.apft-fr.org/ 最新消息欄位下載歌曲MP3檔及歌詞,或至台北及高雄的法國文化協會索取內附原聲帶以及伴唱帶CD。非北、 高二縣市參賽者,請附回郵信封,洽法國文化協會郵寄。


五、     參賽者須先將所演唱之歌曲收錄於錄音帶或CD內(請注意錄音品質),附上報名表至遲於200831日週六前,寄送至本活動收件窗口(以郵戳為憑,逾期恕不受理):







電話 : ( 02) 2356-1487

開放時間 : 10:00~12:30 / 14:00~19:30







六、     獲選入圍之個人組前二十名及高中團體前十組,將參加2008年三月十五日舉行之複賽。北區複賽地點為國立臺灣師範大學,南區複賽地點為高雄法國文化協會。入圍參加複賽的名單將於三月十日前以電話及電子郵件方式通知。


七、     複賽優勝之高中團體前六名及個人組前八名,將於2008年三月二十九日假西門町紅樓劇場舉行之『全球法語日』活動中進入決賽。評審委員將由法語系國家及台灣專業人士組成,決賽完畢即進行頒獎。每位入圍決賽者均可獲頒獎品,第一名獎品價值約一萬元。



l           中華民國法語教師協會

l           布吉納法索駐華大使館

l           海地共和國駐華大使館

l           比利時貿易協會駐華辦事處

l           加拿大駐台北貿易辦事處 

l           法國在台協會

l           瑞士商務辦事處

l           台灣法國文化協會

l           高雄法國文化協會

l           國立臺灣師範大學法語教學中心

l           法國工商會

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