

第 123 期 (2006-02-14) 訂閱退訂   與我們聯繫  
綜合資訊 > 24.02.2006 : Structuring the Chinese Political Space : Media in the PRC and their Institutional Environment
綜合資訊 > 2006.02.21-23文建會與法國文化部合辦︰馬樂侯文化管理研討會

24.02.2006 : Structuring the Chinese Political Space : Media in the PRC and their Institutional Environment (NCU/ UNCfr)

24.02.2006 : Structuring the Chinese Political Space : Media in the PRC and their Institutional Environment

The Taipei Office of the French Center For Research on Contemporary China (CEFC) has the pleasure to invite you to attend the following seminar :


Structuring the Chinese Political Space :
Media in the PRC and their Institutional Environment

by Nicolai Volland, Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy
Academia Sinica

On February 24, 2006 (Friday), at 2:30 PM
Place : Room B-202
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences
Academia Sinica

(Snacks and drinks will be served after the talk)

Contact : cefc@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Tel : (886-2) 2789-0873 - Fax : (886-2) 2789-0874.



What have newspapers, books, operas, hospitals, middle schools, and sports in common? What appears to be little more than a random assortment of areas of social activity does in fact represent an interrelated cluster in the political imagination of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Reconstructing the institutional environment of the Chinese media and looking at them from a broader perspective reveals the underlying logic of the CCP"s strict control of the media landscape in the People"s Republic of China (PRC): the contemporary media bear the legacy from a construction dating back to the Party"s Yan"an era and beyond, when all of the institutions listed above were imagined to participate in an ambitious project of transforming human nature in both its mental and physical dimensions.

The idea of malleability, i.e. the possibility to reform human nature through conscious remoulding, however, did not originate with the CCP in the first place. It was rather widespread in Republican China, influencing thinking across all political camps, from liberal thinkers through the GMD to the CCP. While the CCP"s zeal to produce the socialist new man has markedly shrunk in recent decades, the Party"s claim to bear the responsibility for the Chinese people"s psycho-physical health remains part of its legitimacy discourse to the present day.



Contact : cefc@gate.sinica.edu.tw / muyard@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Antenne de Taipei - Centre d"Etudes Français sur la Chine contemporaine (CEFC)
Taipei Office - French Centre for Research on Contemporary China
Room A315, Research Center For Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS), Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei,
Tel : (886-2) 2789-0873 - Fax : (886-2) 2789-0874.

▲TOP (2006-02-14)

2006.02.21-23文建會與法國文化部合辦︰馬樂侯文化管理研討會 (NCU/ UNCfr)



文建會秉持開拓國際視野、促進臺法文化交流之理念,與法國文化部合作辦理「馬樂侯文化管理研討會」(Séminaire Malraux),交換雙方文化行政經驗,今年為第五屆。



More information at http://www.comunion.org.tw/comimfo/malraux/

Sébastien Cavalier
Conseiller technique - Technical Advisor
Council for Cultural Affairs
8F - 30-1 Beiping East Road, Taipei, 100
Taiwan, Republic of China
tel : +886-2-2321-7680 - Fax : +886-2-2321-8771
mél : cavalier@cca.gov.tw
mél : cavaillo@club-internet.fr (in case of problem with the address above)

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