

第 066 期 (2004-11-10) 訂閱退訂   與我們聯繫  
綜合資訊 > 2004.11.13-14第三屆歐洲高等教育展:法國教育特展

2004.11.13-14第三屆歐洲高等教育展:法國教育特展 (NCU/ UNCfr)
地點:台北京華城11樓文化會館Room A and B
訊息來源:台北市台法學術(文化科技)交流協會/AFTEA (Associaton
     Franco-Taiwanaise des Echanges Academiques)

The 3rd European Higher Education Fair will be hold in Taipei the 13th and 14th of November from 01:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Living Mall department, 11F, Bade road.

40 European institutions will present their study program. Presentation will be given by representatives during seminars. Four lucky draw will be hold.

For more information : www.ehef.org.tw

11/13 (Saturday )
留學說明會:Room A: 14 - 15:00 and 17 - 18:00
胡其德/洪榮木/林志郎 to give mini-conferences: members of AFTEA will speak about their experience in France, the difficulties encountered, the way they overcome them, the benefit they got from their experience in their carrer and in ther current position.

Several seminars at the following times: 2PM, 5PM, These seminars will be given by the representatives of France participant universities or schools but the presence of alumni should be great.

11/14 (Sunday)
留學說明會:Room B: 16 - 17:00
單子元/盧佳遇/許桓瑞 to give mini-conferences: members of AFTEA will speak about their experience in France, the difficulties encountered, the way they overcome them, the benefit they got from their experience in their carrer and in ther current position.

Several seminars at the following times: 2PM, 5PM, These seminars will be given by the representatives of France participant universities or schools but the presence of alumni should be great.

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